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Dental Bridges vs. Dental Implants

By August 18, 2017September 6th, 2019No Comments

Updated September 6, 2011

Key Takeaways

  • In the past, dental bridges were the standard tooth replacement offered by dentists.
  • Dental implants have eliminated the need for dental bridges and offer two important advantages: isolated treatment of the missing tooth and preservation of bone mass in the jawbone
  • ActOn Implants offers affordable, high-quality dental implants for people who have lost teeth to disease, injury, or decay.

Tooth loss can happen for a number of reasons, including injury, decay, or gum disease. According to the American College of Prosthodontists, there are millions of people in the United States who are missing at least one tooth. Additionally, an estimated 40 million Americans are missing all of their teeth.

A missing tooth can not only affect your oral health and function, but it can also have significant impacts on your self-confidence and appearance. At ActOn Implants in St. Louis, we understand just how significant the impact of a missing tooth can be and provide the most advanced solutions for tooth replacement. We offer high-quality dental implants at the most reasonable costs. We can restore your smile and your confidence. Below is more information on how dental implants compare to dental bridges.

Dental Implants vs Dental Bridges

In the past, the most popular method for replacing a single missing tooth was with a fixed dental bridge. A bridge consists of an artificial tooth that is anchored by two dental crowns. These two anchor crowns are placed on the teeth on both sides of the gap where your missing tooth is.

While dental bridges are an effective method for tooth replacement, a single tooth dental implant offers several advantages. First and foremost, an implant eliminates the need to involve surrounding teeth, making it a more conservative treatment option. If you are missing your back teeth, dental implants are still a valid option to you, while bridges may not work in this specific scenario.

Secondly, dental implants address the issue of bone loss, while bridges do not. Bone loss can occur in the jaw when a tooth is lost or extracted. As a dental implant is placed directly into the jawbone, it serves as an artificial tooth root — providing the stimulation necessary to preserve bone mass and the natural contours of your face. Once a dental implant has healed and is fully integrated with the surrounding bone your dental implant dentist will fabricate a permanent and natural-looking crown to complete your smile. Implants look, feel and function just like natural teeth.

If you are missing multiple teeth, dental bridges will probably not work for you. However, dental implants can be used to replace multiple missing teeth. For a more affordable option, implants can also be used to support fixed bridges and removable dentures.

At ActOn Implants, your local St. Louis implant specialists, we believe that everyone deserves a beautiful, healthy smile. We believe that you deserve custom treatment for your specific situation. Our expert dentists and staff will keep you comfortable, relaxed and informed during each stage of treatment. Whether you’re missing one tooth or multiple teeth, we can help. Call our office to schedule your consultation today.

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